January 17, 2017

Harns Marsh

I took a five mile walk around the marsh today. Watching this Snail Kite searching for apple snails was a great site to see as their numbers seem to be declining here. In the US they can only be found in Florida.and are also known as the Everglades Kite.

Later I met some friends and we photographed Sandhill Cranes. They live at this preserve year round and are always a pleasure to shoot in the early morning light. They will let you and everyone else in a 2 mile radius know if you get too close with their loud rattle call, but if you keep your distance they will let you take a few pictures.

Hooded Mergansers are also found here in the winter months in small numbers. They won't let you get very close but if you're lucky they will fly by you as they leave.

Eastern Phoebes are fun to watch and almost always return to the same perch when hunting as this one below did. It's one of those wonderful birds that actually say its name when it calls (fee-bee).

Lastly I photographed this flock before I left. In it are Northern Pintail, Green and Blue Winged Teal.


  1. You look to have had a fun walk and you certainly saw lots of wild life. Great captures.

    1. Thanks Nancy, it's one of my favorite preserves
